Abby Collection is an online fine artworks gallery as well as an antiques collection market corner. We collect, exchange and sell art works, vintage and antiques, we are situated in the beautiful Fraser Valley in BC, Canada.
Canadian history is short, but it out-stands its own multicultural characteristics over other countries in the world. after hundreds of years of immigrants greatly enriches the local cultures and traditions, Mennonite culture from Europe, Buddhist Culture from Asia, Aboriginal culture from domestic traditions.......SO here we are, multi-culture is the key of Abby Collection's focus. Enjoyment always comes with sharing, while we posted our collection here we aslo sell worldwide via various online plateforms, but will gradullay focus on our web site. We have largest selection of well-provenanced, quality Asian, European, Islamic, Cross-Culture and Tibal Antiques. Help to build private collections and what we have focused is not only on historic items but also its stories, as we realize collection are no longer just to fill space and serve their decorative purpose. These shows the vivid world of our history and enrich our traditions and cultures nowdays and the future. Thus we sell not only to provate collectors, but also public museums and institutes, and the later always get big discount from us.
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